Lessons I've learned along this journey called life. Stop by often, because I'll never too old to learn something new (or relearn something old.)
- It's nearly impossible to move beyond something when you're obsessing over it.
- Do not buy stuff you don't need, with money you don't have, to impress people you don't like
- Say please and thank you.
- Some of the best moments in life are ones you can't tell anyone about.
- Dead spirits can send you messages in your dreams. When I was 17, My Grandma Josephine who died in 1957 (the year I was born) came to me in a dream and she kept repeating "no name, no name". Out of curiosity I searched for the cemetery where she was buried and visited her gravesite. Sure enough on her headstone was Grandfather Charles's name, Charles Jr (her infant son) but not hers. When I told my parents about it, they assumed it was an oversite and immediately had her name added to the headstone she shared with Charles and her little baby boy. I haven't heard from her since. :)
- Men should never wear their pants below their waistline. Assuming people want to see your underwear is vain and obnoxious.
- Happiness is not only for high achievers.
- Use kind words.
- Don't procrastinate. It makes an easy job harder and hard things impossible.
- Men should never wear a hat at a table.
- Just take the first step.
- Don't let junk mail pile up. It's depressing.
- Pray every day.
- Never lie, cheat or steal.
- The only man who looks good in a tuxedo is Richard Gere.
- God created me for a reason.
- We show what we love by what we do with what we have.
- Love yourself with humility, not ego.
- Do one kind thing each day.
- Today is only temporary, but it's actions can last forever.
- You are responsible for what you do unless you are a celebrity or a politician.
- Forgive with your heart.
- Do not compare yourself with others. They are more messed up than you think.
- Vomiting is not a remedy.
- Jack Daniels and keg beer do not mix.
- It is not anxiety or depression when you are surrounded by crazy people.
- Sing and dance and play an instrument even if you can't.
- Family dinner around the table is priceless.
- Sometimes you just need something fattening.
- It's better to ask for directions than get lost.
- Girls just wanna have fun.
- Parents always do the best they know how.
- In a marriage, you remarry your partner every day.
- Worrying is a destructive habit.
- When you don't forgive someone, you only let them continue to hurt you.
- Don't wait for someone else to bring you closure. Bring closure yourself.
- Remember the values your parents taught you.
- Never, ever, make a decision when you are anxious, hungry, angry, or upset.
- Backing up on the highway because you missed your exit does not set a good example for your children :)
- Spending Thanksgiving in the ER getting stitches from a carving knife is embarrassing. (Thanksgiving 07)
- It is a hundred times more difficult to burn calories than to refrain from consuming them in the first place.
- Yelling always makes things worse.
- Pinata's do not come prefilled with candy. Sorry I embarrassed you on your birthday, Marisa.
- Credit card debt makes things worse.
- There is no such thing as accidents or coincidence.
- Never remember things better than they actually were.
- The world will not end if I say no.
- The real measure of my worth is how much I would be worth if I lost all of my money.
- You can't please everyone.
- I have learned I am a sinner and will always fall short of God's perfection.
- I have learned I am saved and forgiven for the above through the unselfish act of Jesus dying on the cross for my sins in my place.
- “There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no one independence quite so important, as living within your means.” (OK, so I stole that quote from Calvin Coolidge but I have learned this lesson well.)
- Sometimes you have to remove certain people from your life even if they’re family.
- You should always say you're sorry when you need to.
- It's possible to find God in the dark.
- Epidurals are the way to go.
- Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
- The older I get, the less I care about what others think about me.
- Thus, the older I get, the more I enjoy life.
- Jesus is the best friend I'll have.
- It is possible for those who have passed away to still live in your heart.
- Continual mis-use of God's name will cost you.
- I have no doubt I will enter heaven when I die.
- Someone who continually criticizes your accomplishments is jealous of you.
- "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." I stole that one too. From Ralph Waldo Emerson. I used to have that saying hung on a plaque in my room when I was a teenager. Love it and so true.
- A toothache needs immediate attention.
- When my husband warns me about someone, I should listen the first time, because he's usually right.
- Don't light a gas grille with the lid down.Yes, I did this. Enough said.
- The color pink makes me happy!
- You can't look at a penguin and feel sad.☺
- Keeping my eyes on heaven has changed my view of earth.
- Neighbors don't have to be your friends
- Forgive those who hurt you. When some body hurts you they take power over you, if you don't forgive them then they keep the power.
- Family members don't have to be your friends either.
- Coloring my hair is tedious but necessary.
- Cough syrup doesn’t work.
- The Golden Rule is the greatest moral truth.
- People can tell if your smiling over the phone.
- Anything you don't need... file it, donate it or throw it out.
- Store brand stuff is as good as the name brand.
- There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
- When I tell my children to follow their dreams, I'm following my own.
- My children are the only proof of God's existence I need.
- You really don't want to believe you voted for a liar.
- Starbucks coffee is too strong.
- Three of the greatest smells are puppies ,babies and city streets after it rains.
- And lilacs too
- Elderly people are the best teachers of life you'll ever need. Talk to them.
- No one can stop you from praying for them.
- It's always better to go around a rotary than through it. Sorry to that guy whose fender I took out :)
- If it hurts, don't wear it.
- Money and power breeds greed and corruption. I learned that from politicians.
- Saying,"But officer, my speedometer doesn't work" doesn't work. I learned that by getting an $80 ticket.
- There is no such thing as coincidence.I know I said that but it bears repeating.
- The love of money is the root of all evil. I learned that from 1Timothy 6:10
- Sometimes close is good enough.
- An ex is an ex for a reason.
- Being clean feels good.
- People you love will die.
- People who love you will still disappoint you.
- You cannot make someone love you.
- Bad things happen to good people.
- What will be, will be.
- When someone asks you to stay for coffee, you should. It could be the last time you see them. I miss you, Daddy. I'm sorry I didn't stay.
- You can never prepare yourself for the death of a loved one.
- No matter how hard you try, some people will never like you. I learned that from my in-law family
- A good walk cures most anything.
- It's wise to live below your means and within your needs. I learned that from Suzie Orman
- A woman who loves herself is a powerful, passionate, attractive force. I learned that from my mother, my grandmother, my Aunt Trudy, my Aunt Anna and my Aunt Angie and my daughter, Marisa. The most powerful, passionate, attractive women I know.
- The world would be a better place if everyone followed the Ten Commandments.
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