Sunday, June 15, 2014

I Am Your Child

For Daddy. I miss you. Happy Father's Day

I am your child
Whatever I am, you taught me to be.
I am your hope,
I am your chance,
I am your child.

Writer(s): Martin Panzer, Barry Manilow
Copyright: Swaneebravo Music, Universal Music - Careers

Friday, June 13, 2014

To Hell And Back

Ever wonder why when people say they had a "near-death experience" they all go to heaven? This intrigues me. Why is it that no one ever has a near-death experience and goes to hell? Well, that is where the woman in this video, Tamara Laroux claims she went . She shot herself in the chest, died, and went to hell, but God rescued her from hell and took her to heaven for a glimpse of it, before returning her spirit to her body.

 I don't know what to make of this woman's story. Surely she did not die. Scripture says in Hebrews 9:27 we only die once. But she definetly experienced something very powerful. She truly believes she experienced the love of Jesus so much so it changed her life. God chooses many ways to call His children to Himself. This just may have been one of them. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

How To Begin Your Week

More books have been written about Jesus than about any other figure in history.  More people have committed their lives to him than to any other religious leader.  More people attend church services in America than go to football games.  We were designed for the kind of intimacy with God that our first parents knew in the Garden, so our hearts will always yearn for him.  Our longings to be loved, accepted, and wanted all stem from this fact.  Our world is broken, not because our longings are wrong, but because we try to satisfy them everywhere but in God.

 Here's a good way to start the week: give yourself the gift of a few minutes with the One who loves you.  Begin with a moment of worship, as you "enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise" (Psalm 100:4).  Now ask the Spirit to show you a longing in your heart that you are trying to satisfy outside of Jesus.  Name it, and ask Jesus to meet it.  Now do whatever you sense his leading to do—be still, read Scripture, take a walk, listen to worship music.  Let the Great Physician heal that pain in your heart.  Ask the One who fed the 5,000 to feed your soul.

And he will.

Dr. Jim Denison, President
Mar 24, 2014
Denison Forum on Truth and Culture. 

Choose Life

For one glorious day a pro-life billboard towered over Planned Parenthood’s pathetic little abortion feeder with the simple but powerful message, “Choose Life = No Regrets.” There was only one problem: The billboard was on Planned Parenthood’s property.
Adams Outdoor Advertising had leased the billboard space but forgotten about Planned Parenthood’s addendum forbidding any pro-life messaging.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Gift of Life

It's wonderful to watch a baby move on a pregnant woman. It's amazing to watch a baby move, and really helps you understand just how magical life is! Actually feeling a baby move inside your own body is the most awe inspiring feeling you can ever imagine.  The gift of life is truly a spectacular thing.